Mt Hope Market | Sneakers for Sinners & Saints.

City Life Church has a commitment to care for those facing poverty.
Every Sunday before and after services we have a shoe locker and a food pantry.

Our food pantry and shoe locker as of January 2024.

All shoes and food come from donations from within our church family and other church families wanting to help.

Can I volunteer? - Yes. Hit us up! We can always use help.

Can I donate? -
Yep. But we only want your best. Those facing poverty deserve clean clothing and healthy, non expired food.
Don’t donate something you wouldn’t give to your bosses family if they were in town.

Who can receive?
As of now, anyone can come get what they need. We hope you will get only what you need and make sure to save things for others.
We are not policing this as long as we don’t have to.

Can you help me with money?
Sorry. Our church has many people still facing poverty and we cannot give money.
We wish we could. But we’ve decided to help with food and shoes for the moment.

Why do you do this?
Jesus had a great heart for the poor. We advocate for our community in other spheres.
God’s heart is for justice. It is wrong for anyone to go hungry, with so many churches nearby.
We also believe Jesus is the way, truth and the life. And anyone who comes to Him will be saved.
But how can you trust Him, if his church doesn’t show you compassion?
We are an imperfect group of sinners, but we do what we can.

What are you doing in the future?
We would love to impact our community in more ways, but until we have the finances and volunteers to sustain it,
we will be satisfied doing what we can. We seek to one day serve our community via a shower ministry,
A clothing closet and perhaps one day laundry services.

If you would like to donate or help, please send us a message.