Three reasons why San Diego is awesome.

Last night over shrimp tacos I had an epiphany.  As I spoke to another family about their interest in joining us in San Diego, I realized what a terribly negative picture I paint for potential workers for San Diego.  Often, I ask people to consider any superficial reasons they may want to join us.  Then I posit if they have considered what it would be like if that very thing went away. 

What if you came for the weather and we had a record heat wave?
What if you came for me and I got very ill or just turned out to be a jerk?
What if you came to surf and you broke your leg?

I also illuminate people to the human, drug trafficking, the general dislike for many Christians as well as the cost of living and drive times. 

I sure am a great salesman... 

Maybe it’s time I actually pointed out a few truly remarkable things about the city that I love.  So here are just three.

The Ocean:
-I have seen people baptized in the Pacific Ocean, surrounded by water and a great cloud of witnesses. 
-I have worshipped with the church by a sweet smelling bonfire, as the sun slowly disappeared over the ocean, leaving only brilliant reds and purples. 
-I have been surfed many times where the wave fully covers me up and yet I am still on my board.  Some call it the green room.  Others say it feels like being in the womb.  I don’t remember the womb, but being “tubed” is one of the greatest feelings on the planet.   
-The ocean’s power, size and scope can be a daily reminder of God’s power and scope.
-It is also large enough to regulate the general temperature of the city, which is kinda nice.

The culture:
-The food in San Diego is unbeatable.  If you have money, Donovan’s steakhouse is my favorite restaurant on the planet.   If you don’t have much money, there are HUNDREDS of amazing Mexican restaurants within a few miles.  Also fish tacos may sound gross but you are wrong.
-There are great bands playing every night throughout the city.  Also major acts almost never skip San Diego.
-Comic con
-The museums, zoos and amusement parks are some of the best in the nation.
-If that’s not enough for you, San Diego is close to Mexico, Los Angeles, Orange County and some sweet snowboarding spots.

-While our teams may not boast any great National Championships we have some really great professional and collegiate teams.  Most nights you can catch professional football, baseball, soccer, minor league hockey and countless other collegiate games.
-You can watch surf contests on occasion with the best in the world competing yards in front of you, for free.
-When the waves are huge it’s also a show.

San Diego gets in your veins, yet if we fail to see God’s desires for the people of this great city we will miss the point.   

Beautiful and ugly, cultural and crowded, San Diego is just one more place where people are in desperate need of Jesus.  Lord, use us for Your glory!

The Padres and Chargers have been known to win a few games...Seriously it happens. 

The Padres and Chargers have been known to win a few games...Seriously it happens. 

Getting, barreled, tubed or in the green room.  Whatever you call it, it's awesome.

Getting, barreled, tubed or in the green room.  Whatever you call it, it's awesome.

Don't knock fish tacos till you've tried them.  They may sound gross but the name is all that is gross about them. 

Don't knock fish tacos till you've tried them.  They may sound gross but the name is all that is gross about them. 

Comic Con, cause this...

Comic Con, cause this...

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