When you get punched in the mouth.

When I was younger, my older brother started watching boxing with me. There was one fight I could never forget...

I distinctly remember my brother talking to his friends while I sat in the corner eating my weight in Korean BBQ ribs and Ruffles. When the main event began, we gathered around the glow of the television to see history as Mike Tyson fought Evander Holyfield. Tyson was not the boxer he had been in the past, but he was still scary. And I mean SCARY.

Once the fight started, Tyson lost all sense of sanity and bit Evander on the ear MULTIPLE TIMES. The cameras found an actual bloody piece of Holyfield’s ear on the floor of the boxing ring and I almost regurgitated a lot of Korean BBQ. Gross. Tyson was a cheat. Tyson was insane. Tyson was DEFINITELY scary! 

Since then, Tyson has cooled off considerably as jail time and his maturity levels have changed. Tyson and Holyfield have even teamed up to sell THC infused gummy ears called “Mike Bites.” I’m totally serious. I heard it on the radio this morning.

So why do I mention Mike Tyson today?

Well, Mike has a famous quote:

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

It’s true right? You think you know what you are doing with your life and then pain, hurt and despair come upon you like a five foot ten, 220 pound ball of anger and muscle.

I’ve noticed during this season many of you have been attacked.

Your health, your immigration status, your marriage, your mental health, your backs, your job situation, your housing, your finances and your spiritual health have taken some serious punches.

Honestly, I’ve felt like in the last few months, even my wife and I are having to apologize to each other like we never have before. Both our mothers have been fighting cancer. We’ve been punched in the mouth by cancer. And while our church will always have seasons of attack, I believe the devil is especially aware of the resource our new building can be to our community and for the kingdom of God. 

Yesterday, I felt so desperate for spiritual covering that I went around the building and anointed it with oil, while praying. I had the staff from another church in the city come pray over our building. And then for much of yesterday and today I wrote out prayers and scripture over our door posts while praying aloud.

I was desperate for MORE covering. I wanted more protection.

I believe this next season is going to be very impactful for our church and community. The devil apparently does too. But remember that Jesus promises the gates of Hell will not prevail against God’s church! (Matt 16) So when you get punched in the mouth, keep your head up. Lift your eyes up to your maker (Psalm 121) and please make sure you aren’t walking alone in your pain. Talk to people. Show up when you are bruised. And if you aren’t being punched or bitten, please use your energy to tend to the wounded!

Finally, on Sundays, if you make it early or you are setting up and everything looks done, don’t grab your phone and mindlessly scroll. Grab a friend and pray for them or pray WITH them around our building. I hope this practice becomes a more consistent part of our church culture. You never need my permission to pray. Just do it.

How beautiful when the saints gather together pleading with God to glorify Himself by redeeming marriages, cancer and whatever else the devil wants to use for evil. I cannot wait to see the things God does with our PRAYED up church. I believe we will see great things in our lifetime. 

Rejoicing with you through bloody ears and the violent punches of evil, 

Love, Pastor Dale