If I were the devil.
I hate war, but I’m fascinated by it too.
In the last couple years I’ve read books about World War I & II, The Boer War, and the Mexican Revolution. Surprisingly they have much in common. Many of the same strategies from modern warfare have roots in ancient warfare and even spiritual warfare.
The Bible says we do not battle against flesh and blood, “but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this darkness, against evil, spiritual forces in the heavens.” (Ephesians 6:12)
And where there is war, there is espionage.
You can have the best battle plan but if you announce it to a spy, welp, you are out of luck.
The devil uses spies too:
Think about it. If you wanted people to hate Jesus and his church, what would you do?
I would plant fake Christians to throw you off the scent of Jesus and His church. Far too many Christians have walked away from Church, not because of Jesus, but because of bad behavior of “Christians.” I believe many of these “Christians” are actually spies, sent into the church to give you a sour experience.
It’s a logical fallacy called “Ad hominem” to attack the arguer rather than the argument.
And honestly, some of them are screw-ups just like me, who are still being sanctified by a good God.
So what do you do?
You continue to show up. You pursue Christ because he will never fail you.
And you NEVER let someone else control you by stopping you from walking with Jesus.
Spy or not. I will fail you. But Jesus never will.
The other tactic of the devil:
Separation. (Divide and conquer)
When you are outnumbered in battle you never approach the army head on. You attempt to beat them one at a time. If I’m the devil, I may not be able to take out ten fighters, but if I can get one alone I have a shot.
So don’t do life alone. Find a city group. You will be tired, but it’s important.
Show up on Sundays. Our Facebook streaming is less than reliable and it can NEVER hug you or pray for you like a friend in person can. Our church is going to offer several options this upcoming year to spend time with others. We know you won’t be able to make all of them, but we hope you’ll make a priority to be with others in the church. It’s good for you.
And the devil…
Well. The devil hates that.
-Pastor Dale