Is San Diego ready for the Church?


I’ve had many meetings in San Diego in the last two days. In five meetings with lead pastors, I’ve seen a few common themes. Firstly, there are many godly people here in San Diego being used by God in great ways. Secondly, I’ve heard a theme of “soil.” Why is soil so important in a church plant? In Matthew 13 Jesus talks about the seed falling upon different types of soil and yielding much different results.So what type of soil is San Diego?  Bad soil, full of weeds and death?If you grew up in the 90’s, like me, you’d have watched “The Lion King” 400 times, learning about the circle of life from James Earl Jones and perhaps Sir Elton John. What dies, usually falls to the earth and sweetens the soil for growth.  Also they mention the Wheel of Fortune for some reason.  (Note: I’m talking gardening not pantheism!)

Secular San Diegan’s might say they have achieved a renaissance, where religion no longer drives or controls people in our city, to which I say hooray! I believe the death of a controlling evangelicalism in San Diego has left fertile soil for growth.  Where we are no longer in control, we can be servants, advocates and peacemakers.  Most people have very little experience (good or bad) with the Church now and most of it is from television programs they don’t really take seriously.

Perhaps this can be a season where out of death there is growth. Death of the Church’s influence in San Diego has also created something beautiful…unity! One pastor I talked to recently spoke of how 40 pastors are getting together next week to sign a covenant, to only speak positively about each other in our city! There you are Church! A Church undivided and focused on Jesus and the lost is compelling. What a glorious movement we are privileged to join. The Holy Spirit is doing a work in cities across the world and we get to take part. How will you join in?


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