On discerning God's will to join us in San Diego

In the past several weeks we’ve encountered a few Kansas folks who are struggling to discern if God may be calling them to help plant City Life Church in San Diego. While I do not claim to be an expert on God’s will, I may be able to offer you a few pointers.   But first, check out these verses:Genesis 12:1- The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.”Genesis 12:10- “Now there was a famine in the land. So Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, for the famine was severe in the land.”Look at both verses. Do you see a difference? In verse one God calls Abram away from his country. Nine verses later Abram leaves due to severe famine and not due to a call from the Lord. In both situations, Abram ends up prospering and God redeems the situation for His glory. Certainly I would much rather receive a verbal call from God.

But if you haven’t heard a verbal call how are you to evaluate? I would ask yourself a few questions.

1. Does this decision honor God?
Will you go to share the Gospel, or soak up sun? If you are going for the sun, most likely you won’t last. There are many tough things in the City and if you are there for the wrong reasons you may despair, also you’ll hold us back from real mission.

2. Do you trust the leadership?
If you believe me a heretic, I wouldn’t go. Do you believe the leadership has integrity, vision from God and worshipful hearts? If you answered no to any of those three, DON’T GO!

3. Do you desire to go?
f God has not called you to go explicitly and you’d prefer not to go, don’t. That was easy.

4. Is it feasible? If you have a family, do you have some savings to help make the transition? Do you have a trade you can do in San Diego? Do you have a health challenge that would prohibit you from travel? San Diego is expensive. You’ll need a plan.

5. What does wise counsel say?
I’d consult people who have gone before you. Are there people who have participated in national or international missions who might be able to speak to your situation? Consult them now. Your friends and family might be wise, but they also might scare you away from doing great work for the Kingdom.

If you’ve gone through all these steps and still believe you should go. It’s time to talk to us.
We’d love to pray with you through this decision.


PS.  If you are not praying about it, you probably shouldn’t go too!

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